
Behind the Scene into the Lives of Celebrities is a blog to cast a celebrity each week. As we all know from reading magazines to newspapers; they don't tell the full truth about some of the things they put out there about people. Paparazzi edit the truth to make it seem more interesting and entertaining to those who read it, even though it's jam-packed full of lies! Would you like to have lies broadcasted about you on television..or anything for that matter? In this blog, no lies will be found, it's just going to be bits and pieces of their lives, their family, and most important their goals to become better at their career.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Rebel Melanie Elizabeth Wilson

Acapella.  It is singing without instruments, and usually some groups use their voices to make instrumental sounds.  Well, one movie uses acapella throughout the whole two hours of the movie.  Do you know the “cup song?” I would figure you would considering it was so popular in 2012.  The movie is Pitch Perfect.
Almost everyone has seen the movie, whether in theaters or in the comfort of your own home.  One person in the movie everyone knows, the one that brings the laughter, is ‘Fat Amy.’  Since we all know her as Fat Amy, I think I should tell you about Rebel Wilson.  She is the one who brought humor to the whole movie Pitch Perfect.
Rebel Wilson born on February 3, 1986, is an actress and comedian, but she also has a law degree sort of as a backup in case acting was to fail her.  Rebel was born in Sydney, Australia, and had an interesting childhood.  It’s not a childhood a normal kid would have.  Rebel spent her years growing up traveling across the country selling canine products, because her parents were professional dog handlers.  Rebel began acting in Australia, and studied at the Australian Theater for Young People, and was soon known for her humor.
Rebel has been in many movies over the years, and her biggest breakthrough was in 2011 for the movie Bridesmaids. Rebel has been in more movies that deal with adults, but she has done some movies that are for kids like: Ice Age: Continental Drift, and Kung Fu Panda.  As you can see Rebel didn't have an ordinary childhood.  Although, you can see that Rebel had a gift that was a natural talent of acting.  Yes, that may have helped Rebel with landing spots on shows, and movies, but she has tried to make her dreams come true. Rebel is one example of true talent and hard work, and you can tell that Rebel is never going to let her career just pass her by, she is going to live in the moment like everyone should.

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